Sports Premium
The Sports premium funding at Addingham Primary School is used to fund improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of pupils so that they develop healthy lifestyles.
Playing sport helps to keep children healthy and is good for communities. Playing sport at school or in a local club is also the first step to competition at the highest level, which helps improve our reputation as a sporting nation, and contributes to economic growth.
Sports Funding Report 2021-2022
Swimming At Addingham Primary Y6 2021-2022
97% of our current Y6 cohort can swim confidently, competently and proficiently, over a distance of 25m.
93% of our Y6 cohort uses a range of strokes effectively (front crawl, backstroke, and breaststroke).
83% of our Y6 cohort passed their water safe self-rescue test.
Our school additionally pays Mr Storton to cover PPA. This does not come out of the Sports Premium funding.
Health Mentors' aims:
- To remove barriers to learning for pupils
- To raise attainment
- To effectively communicate with pupils 1-1
- To help raise self-esteem and motivation.
We work alongside teachers and parent/ carers to ensure that all children are able to get the best out of their time, primarily supporting children who are experiencing difficulties due to social, emotional or behavioural problems.
The focus is for all children to:
- Stay safe
- Be healthy
- Enjoy and achieve
What does a Health Mentor do?
Health Mentors use a variety of approaches, which can be tailored to individual needs. These include:
- One to one mentoring to discuss problems and look at solutions
- Individual sessions looking at particular issues– such as anger management
- Group work sessions focusing on one issue– social skills
- Observations within lessons
- Support and assistance to school staff with their PE teaching to team teach and coach.
Kidfit Daily Mile Around Addingham
Information about the daily mile
Children from all classes working with Mr Storton